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Hear the difference, feel the music, make the switch

Local Radio for Hailsham and the surrounding Towns and Villages, make the switch to something more local    Text: 07494 805 905

Hear the difference, feel the music, make the switch

Local Radio for Hailsham and the surrounding Towns and Villages, make the switch to something more local

Screen culture john buss

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How to listen to Hailsham FM

FM Radio

If you’re in the Hailsham area, you can tune into us via your normal radio on 95.9 FM.

Smart phone

Download the app TuneIn. Find us by searching for ‘Hailsham FM’..

Smart speaker

If you have a smart speaker, tell it to “Play Hailsham FM”

On your PC

Open our player by CLICKING HERE so you can carry on browsing whilst listening to us!